Keyboard maestro gesture trigger example
Keyboard maestro gesture trigger example

keyboard maestro gesture trigger example

Why am I saying this? Because we should also expect dramatic changes in the way we input information into computers. It is a language that would have been alien to mathematicians of past centuries Drawings that resemble prehistoric petroglyphs or ancient Chinese calligraphy are being seen, and are being manipulated like the traditional numerals and symbols of algebra. Words and phrases such as spider, birdtrack, amoeba, sandpile, and octopus decomposition are being heard. Something strange is happening in mathematics seminar rooms around the world.

keyboard maestro gesture trigger example

Look for example at how the language of mathematics is changing, and looks like drawings of insects. Certainly not audio or video ! If you polled researchers today, most would bet on something which vaguely and distantly looks like a tibetan mandala which you would read like a text (nothing to do with religion). Many university researchers are working on this and we have no clue. Many people think that we now use the alphabet to write and assume that it is something etched in stone, which will certainly not be the case.

keyboard maestro gesture trigger example

Worldwide and since the beginning of history, written language is nothing more than transcribed speech - each character is a sound (not a picture - contrary to popular belief). I used to read cyrillic, chinese and even ancient egyptian hieroglyphs. I have been interested in language and writing for many years. It is a topic which I am very interested in. Have you ever managed to make the BTT corner triangle gesture work ? I assume that you know that a pause action ie time delay (not pause until) exists with BTT. obviously, when KBM is used to trigger a BTT gesture, one would use the more complicated gestures, and not waste a good simple BTT gesture for that.I wonder if it would be an opportunity for Peter to incorporate BTT into KBM, perhaps as an add-on.


According to his bio, the BTT developer does it as a hobby and is not working full time for Siemens in software development. The only reason for bringing in BTT is gestures. In terms of workflow and power, KBM is much much more powerful than BTT. I should have thought of it! One reason, as you mention, is that KBM is certainly more ‘reliable’ than BTT.

  • yes, it is much better to use KBM for the additional actions.
  • You very much for your comment, and thanks very much for taking the time to write a macro !

    Keyboard maestro gesture trigger example